Hong Kong Incorporation

Hong Kong Incorporation

Known for its strategic location, vibrant economy, and business-friendly policies, Hong Kong is an attractive destination for businesses looking to tap into the Asian market.

Gateway to Asian Markets

Setting up a company in Hong Kong comes with numerous advantages. Its strategic location at the heart of Asia makes it a gateway to Mainland China and other rapidly growing Asian markets. This unique position provides businesses with easy access to a vast and diverse consumer base, offering immense growth opportunities. Whether you are targeting the Chinese market or the broader Asian market, Hong Kong is your ideal launchpad.

Benefits for Foreigners

Hong Kong is one of the most foreign-friendly jurisdictions in the world. There are no restrictions on foreign ownership of companies, and foreigners can be the sole director and shareholder of a Hong Kong company. This openness to foreign investment makes Hong Kong a highly attractive destination for international businesses. The process of setting up a company is straightforward and efficient. Furthermore, Hong Kong’s immigration policies are favourable towards foreign entrepreneurs and investors, offering several visa options for those wishing to relocate. This ease of doing business, combined with the city’s cosmopolitan lifestyle and high quality of life, makes Hong Kong an appealing choice for foreign entrepreneurs.

Popular Trade Eco-System

Over the years, through its extensive and dedicated diplomatic efforts, the city-state has established over 90 DTAs (Double Taxation Agreements) and over 25 FTAs (Free Trade Agreements) that have helped Singapore incorporation company connect to major economies of the world, providing excellent business prospects for entrepreneurs operating in Singapore.

Attractive Tax System

Hong Kong also boasts a simple and low tax system, one of the most attractive in the world. With its low corporate tax rate, absence of sales tax or VAT, and no tax on dividends, Hong Kong offers a highly competitive environment for businesses to thrive. This tax-friendly regime extends to foreign businesses as well, making Hong Kong an economically attractive destination for international expansion.

Strong Legal System

Hong Kong’s well-established legal system, based on English Common Law, ensures the protection of business rights and interests. This strong rule of law, coupled with the city’s commitment to free trade and free market principles, provides a stable and secure environment for businesses. Whether you’re entering into contracts or resolving business disputes, you can trust in the fairness and transparency of Hong Kong’s legal system.

Ease of Doing Business

Hong Kong is renowned for its ease of doing business. The city’s efficient and transparent regulatory environment, coupled with its advanced infrastructure and business-friendly policies, makes it an ideal place for businesses to thrive. This extends to foreign businesses as well, making Hong Kong a highly attractive destination for international business expansion.

Let's Connect

The incorporation form is specifically for Singapore (SG) incorporation. For any other types of incorporation, please feel free to reach out to us for a different incorporation form.

Incorporation Form

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